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  • Can thermal camera Ecumaster

    Today, motorsport success relies largely on data analysis. Important factors include tyre and brake disc temperatures. We are proud to introduce our new thermal cameras, delivering real-time, precise contactless temperature readings. Measured data is sent over CAN BUS and can be recorded and displayed by other devices (e.g.ADU). Our user configurable sensors take precise reading (error less than 3°C) at up to 16 points pertyre with a range from 0° to 255°C (tyres temperature sensor) orup to 950°C(brake disc version). All data is transmitted with a frequency of up to 50Hz over the flexible user configurable CAN stream allowing for easy integration of our sensors with any data system. Is worth mentioning that a fully accessible CAN stream configuration enables the use of multiple sensors in one car without the risk of messages IDs clashing.

    8 937 Kč
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  • Digital Gear Indicator Ecumaster

    The digital gear indicator is designed to work with a stock or aftermarket ECU to display the current gear with an optional shift light. Gear calculations are made based on vehicle speed and engine RPM via OBD2 or CAN, or using a gearbox barrel position sensor. The device is fully configurable via CAN BUS (communication, shift point pergear,etc.,and can be usedwith virtual anyCANBUSbasedECU. Thanks to the large and bright display, the indicated gear is readable in all lighting conditions. Display brightness can be controlled via CAN or by a potentiometer (when gearbox barrel position sensor is not connected).Key features•read gear from CAN, OBDII or analogue gear sensor•3 RGB LED customizable shift light•easy to read large display (size)•configurable via CAN BUS•free firmware upgrades

    9 144 Kč
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  • Dual H-bridge Module Ecumaster

    In modern cars, there are many actuators and pumps driven by DC electric motors which require relatively high current along with precise duty cycle control and direction. A few examples are variable valve lift mechanisms, multiple ITBs using one control unit and power windows. Sometimes the best option is to use remotely installed high current H-Bridges. Our new module consists of two 10A H-Bridges controlled directly or via CAN messages. This solution is perfect for BMW ITB electronic throttles (quite a high currentrequired) when the module acts as a bridge between an aftermarket ECU and the throttle.Another common installation is in a door, where one H-Bridge can operate powerwindowsand second lock functionality. This device can also be used as a high current general purpose output expander (4 x 10Ahigh side / low side outputs) for engine management systems. CNC machined aluminium enclosure facilitates perfect heat dissipation and environmental protection which is a key factor of product reliability.Key features•2 H-Bridge 10A continous current, 30A peak•Direct control or via CAN messages•Free firmware upgrades•Configurable via CAN BUS

    9 144 Kč
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  • 25 614 Kč
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  • 35 972 Kč
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  • Ecumaster CAN SWITCH BOARD V3

    A CAN switch board is a tiny device to allow easy transfer of up to 8 switch states and 8 analog signals over the CAN bus. In addition to this, the device has 4 built-in low side outputs that can be activated with a CAN bus message. The main purpose of this board is to build custom steering wheel panels containing buttons, rotary switches and indicators.The switchboard device is designed to work with EMU BLACK and PMU. It can also be used with any other devices with custom configurable CAN bus inputs.Key features-CAN BUS 2.0B-500 or 1000kbps, user selectable-different CAN ID and CAN frame structures can be selected,-only 25x25mm in size,-8 switch inputs (switched to ground)-8 analog inputs / rotary switch inputs, 0-5V, 10bits-4 low side outputs (0.5A, resistive and inductive loads)-6-22V power supply+5V output for powering rotary switches, sensors and potentiometersfirmware upgrade over the CAN bus

    3 349 Kč
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  • Ecumaster Data Logger - EDL-1

    Data logger EDL-1 is a “must have” for any proffesionals using EMU and EMU BLACK device. Utilizing serial communication, device is able to record over 200 data channels with frequency of 25Hz.Thanks to using popular SDHC cards with FAT32 file system, it is easy and fast to read data on PC computer. The average data rate allows to record about 11 hours per 1GB of memory card space.For time stamping there is build in RTC clock powered with backup battery.In addition to this, DL-1 device is equipped with Bluetooth module to communicate with Android tablet device. Key features work with EMU and EMU BLACK device using serial communication,&gt; 4GB SDHC memory cards with FAT32,built in BlueTooth module,bespoke anodized aluminum enclosure with two Leds indicating device state, memory card transfer and Bluetooth communication,

    3 630 Kč
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  • Ecumaster PMU 16 Autosport Version

    Ecumaster as a brand quickly became popular for delivering excellent value for money products. This ethos was also noticed by high caliber motorsport customers and OEMs, that developed a need for a more professional line of products. For this reason, we would like to introduce our new PMU16 AS. The PMU16 Autosport Version is designed for demanding customers and installations where reliability and robustness is priority. Autosport connectors represent the highest quality connector available, and are the standard for professional motorsports and TM aerospace industries. The battery connection utilizes a Radlok connector rated to 200 amps that can be disconnected without the need for any tools. The output connector is a custom 18 pin, 12 gauge connector designed and manufactured specifically for Ecumaster. The unit features an IP65 environmental protection rating, permitting its use in the harshestof conditions,including dustyandwetenvironments. Compared to the standard PMU16, 6 low side outputs have been added and are rated at 2 amps per channel. 14 of the main output channels are rated at 25 amps, with two output channels rated at 40 amps. As always with Ecumaster products mating connectors and terminals are included at no extra cost, which represents a substantial savings and saves the hassle of ordering separate components.SPECIFICATIONTemperature range - AECQ100 GRADE1 (-40 to +125˚C)CPU - 32 bits automotive, 90MIPSReverse polarity protection - Yes, internalOperating voltage - 6-22V, immunity to transients according to ISO 7637Enclosure - IP65, bespoke CNC machined aluminiumSize (mm) and weight (g) - 177x84x46.1, 360gConnectors - 1 x AS shell size 24, 19 x 12AWG 1 x AS shell size 14, 37 x 22AWG 1 x RADLOK 10mm battery terminalPC communication - CAN (ECUMASTER USBtoCAN, PEAK CAN, KVASER)OUTPUTSHigh current outputs - 14x25A(cont.), 2x40A(cont.) with overcurrent and overheating protection. Outputs may be paired to increase continuous current capability. Current and voltage is measured for each outputLow side outputs - 6 x 1A (13A peak) with overload thermal shutdownTotal current output - 200A continuousOutput current control step - 100mAWipers output - Dedicated output with wiper braking feature+5V - Monitored 5V, 500mA output for powering external sensors.INPUTSAnalog inputs - 16 inputs, 10 bit resolution, 0-5V (protected), with software selectable 10K Ohm pullup and pulldownsCAN Keypads - 2 x Ecumaster keypads (4, 6, 8, 12 keys), 1 x MoTeC/RaceGrade, 1 x GrayhillOTHEROutput state indication - 16 bicolour LEDsAccelerometer/Gyroscope - 3D accelerometer with 3D gyroscope for logging and crash detectionReal time clock - Yes, super capacitor for backup power (up to 3 days)CAN BUSCAN interface - 2 x CAN 2.0 A/B (125, 250, 500, 1000 kbps)Input/output stream - User defined with bit masking up to 100 input messagesLOGGINGLogging memory - 256 Mbytes (3 hours of logging at maximum bandwidth)Logging speed - Variable, defined per channel, up to 500HzLogging to PC - YesFUNCTIONSLogical operators - AND, OR, NOT, XOR, &gt;, &lt;, =, &gt;=, &lt;=, !=, isTrue, isFalse, Toggle, Flash, PulseNumber of functions - 100Number of operations - 250Update frequency - 500HzSpecial functions - Wipers, indicators

    51 832 Kč
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  • 29 280 Kč
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  • 34 892 Kč
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  • 9 242 Kč
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  • Haldex Drag Racing Controller

    Haldex Drag Racing Controller je zařízení nebytné pro každého závodníka startujícího v závodech na ¼ míle automobilem s pohonem 4Motion a systémem Haldex. Dokazuje to i skutečnost, že nejlepší závodníci v závodě na ¼ míle tento přístroj používají. Umožňuje jim během startu okamžité sepnutí náhonu a automatické vypnutí po překročení určené rychlosti automobilu. Velkou výhodou zařízení je, že nepotřebuje žádná dodatečná čidla, a umožňuje tak užití pohonu 4Motion v automobilech bez ABS. Zařízení je úspěšně používáno také v každodenní dopravě, kde se využívá možnost plynulé regulace zapojení zadního náhonu pomocí potenciometru. Vlastnosti zařízení: plná kontrola zapojení zadního náhonu (50%-50%), regulace zapojení náhonu za pomoci potenciometru, možnost automatického „vypojení“ náhonu po překročení zadané rychlosti automobilu, zabezpečení před přehřátím oleje, „vypojování“ přístroje při zatažené ruční brzdě, plná konfigurace přístroje + logování jeho stavu pomocí počítače, 24 měsíční záruka. Pozor! Ke správné činnosti kontrolního zařízení je nutná modifikace modulu Haldex. Provádí ji firma Ecumaster a trvá asi 7 dní. Nutná výbava: Ke správné spolupráci s přístrojem je nutná níže popsaná minimální konfigurace. Protože současné přenosné počítače nejčastěji nemají zabudované sériové porty (COM), přístroj spolupracuje s populárními konektory USB COM. Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7. Rozlišení obrazovky nejméně 800x600 16bit, Procesor s taktem přinejmenším 500MHz, sériový port (RS232) nebo USB konvertor pro RS232. Sada obsahuje: zařízení HALDEX DRAG RACING CONTROLLER, Kabel RS232(DB9) HDRC, komplet plug-in sloužících ke spojení přístroje s modulem Haldex, modifikovaný modul Haldex (dodává klient), CD s programy, ovladači a návodem v polštině.

    7 924 Kč
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