Vážení zákazníci, Rádi bychom Vás informovali o změně naší pracovní doby, která bude platná od 1.1.2025, pondělí až čtvrtek: 9:00–11:30, 12:30–16:00, pátek: ZAVŘENO. Děkujeme za pochopení a těšíme se na vaši návštěvu v nových časech. S přátelským pozdravem

Ecumaster batter isolator Radlock version

Ecumaster Battery Isolator is a motorsport master relay device designed for FIAcompliant battery isolation and engine shutdown. The device is designed for harsh motorsport environments and weighs only 83g. Featuring a full solid-state design, an absence of mechanical components ensures long life and high reliability. The device has built-in alternator load dump protection without the addition of any external components. There is no risk of damage to expensive electronic equipment during emergency shutdown. The isolator is controlled with two external switches and can be shut down with a CAN-bus message. The message may be sent from an Ecumaster PMU16 unit in the case of impact or another event. The device is configurable through CANbus. It also sends diagnostic information which can be used by other equipment and is valuable during device setup and diagnosis. It is fully protected against overheating and over-current. Device status is indicated with a multi-color led light.Key features•Weight: 83g•Dimensions: 50mm x 100mm x 38.5mm•Voltage range: 6V - 19V, 28V transient(12V automotive installations only)•Operating temperature range: -40C + 125C•Current capability: 300A continuous, peak up to 1000A•Current measurement resolution 4A•Current measurement range: -1000A to 1000A•Current measurement accuracy: ±10%•Inductive load switching capability: 600mJ•Enclosure: Anodized aluminium, IP67 rated• High current terminals: M8 nickel plated terminalsor Radlok connectors•Signal connector: Deutsch ASX202-06PN(mating plug ASX602-06SN included)•Power save state current consumption: <1mA•ON state current consumption: ~20mA•Engine kill output: 3A, High (VBat), Low (GND) or Hi-Z

Cena: 12 194 Kč /ks
Cena bez DPH: 10 077,69 Kč
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